Rather than lug along a stack of heavy sales brochures or other printed documents, why not just load everything onto an iPad? All it takes is some preparation to convert the requisite promotional materials as image files for viewing under the default Photos application. File them appropriately in separate folders, and you now have a veritable compendium of your company’s products or services in the palm of your hands.
Paul confesses that he didn’t come up with this idea himself. A vendor whipped out an iPad at a trade show to show him some screenshots of their product’s GUI. The experience was so sleek it took him a moment to realize that it was just a bunch of properly formatted images and not a custom application created by the company.
Thinking of using the Apple iPad in your business this year? Beyond the various considerations to deploying the iPad in your SMB, what actual roles could Apple’s shiny tablet play in your company? This slideshow highlights 10 possible business uses for the Apple iPad.